Dental Veneers Are a Cosmetic Dentistry Solution for Damaged Teeth

Dental Veneers Chester, VA

When it comes to repairing smiles, dental veneers should be a top choice for your cosmetic needs. There are few things more embarrassing than having damaged teeth ruin your smile. This can make you feel ashamed of the way you look and want to avoid being around other people. Thankfully, there are ways to overcome these issues. Veneers can cover blemishes and restore problematic teeth and their full function.

Common problems that veneers can address

Even though teeth are made of the strongest substance in the body, they can suffer physical damage. Chips, cracks, and fractures are not unheard of among children and adults alike. Dental veneers can treat these concerns and take an unsightly tooth and make it look whole once again. Dentists often use veneers to restore front teeth that are more visible. However, this treatment can also work well on any tooth to help the person chew more effectively.

Tooth damage can occur due to poor oral hygiene. When a person does not brush or floss regularly, decay can result. Untreated, this can cause the tooth to deteriorate. Hard impact to the mouth can also damage teeth. Biting into a hard object or food or suffering an injury can lead a person to seek treatment with veneers.

An overview of dental veneers

A veneer is a thin shell that bonds to the front of an affected tooth. Usually, it is made of porcelain. A veneer can come in any color shade to match the surrounding teeth. The dentist can also fabricate it to be a specific size and shape to properly cover the damage of any tooth. Before bonding it to the surface of the tooth, the dentist will ensure that it fits well and comfortably.

The benefits

To fix a damaged tooth, the dentist can use bonding or cement to build up the tooth. This approach may work fine for chips or small breaks. However, the cement will break down eventually and is not as durable as dental veneers. Wearing veneers is a more effective, long-lasting answer to tooth damage, as it should last for seven to 10 years. Plus, having a veneer on a tooth is nearly impossible to detect. It will transform the appearance of a damaged tooth in a natural way.

Getting veneers

The process of getting veneers usually requires two visits. At the first visit, the dentist will take X-rays and make impressions. This information goes to a lab where a technician makes the veneer. The patient returns to the office once the shell is ready. At this point, the dentist removes some enamel from the tooth, etches it, and bonds the veneer to the surface.

Regain your beautiful smile

Have you been hiding your smile because you are not happy with the way your teeth look? If you have damaged a tooth or multiple teeth, talk to your dentist about dental veneers. This could be the right solution to restore your smile. Veneers can also protect a weakened tooth from chipping or breaking even more. Now is the time to consider this option so that you can feel good about your teeth again.

Are you considering dental veneers in the Chester area? Get more information at

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